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Show Your Patriotic Pride

Show Your Pride

With A FREE Patriotic American

Bunting Banner

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Are you ready to make a statement and stand for positive change?

Join the 39th District political movement dedicated to delivering real results and representing the voices of our community. Subscribe today and receive a FREE Patriotic American Bunting Banner! Display it proudly this election year and for all the holidays throughout! Pick up your FREE Bunting Banner at any 39th District meeting which are the last Monday of the month at 6:00 PM at the Seaford American Legion. (No meeting in July, everyone is on vacation. Enjoy!) Join us as we gather to discuss our mission, values, and plans to make a better future.

Discover the Heart of the 39th District Movement

Who We Are

At the heart of our movement lies a deep love for our country, a strong belief in the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and unwavering respect for our flag. We are passionate individuals that share a common goal: to enact positive changes and ensure that the voices of the 39th District are heard at every level of government.

What We Do

Our services range from fundraising and voter registration to advocating for policies that benefit our district and organizing community events. Together, we can build a better future for Seaford, Blades, Laurel, Bridgeville, and all addresses within the 39th District.

When We Meet

Join us in our mission to make a difference. Follow us on social media and subscribe to stay updated with our latest news and events. Together, let's shape the future and create a community we can all be proud of. We meet the last Monday of the month at

6:00 PM at the Seaford American Legion

230 N Front St, Seaford, DE 19973

Seaford American Legion

Join the 39th District Movement: Subscribe for Change Today

Thanks for subscribing, You can pick up your FREE American Bunting Banner at the next any 39th District meeting the last Monday of the month at 6:00 PM at the Seaford American Legion. (No Meeting In July)

Pick up your FREE Patriotic American Bunting Banner at any 39th
District meeting held on the last Monday of the month at 6:00 PM at the Seaford American Legion. (No Meeting in July)

39th District Republicans

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